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Aikikai Foundation

The Aikikai Foundation is an association that was established in order to support inheritance of Aikido created by the Founder, to train body and mind through Aikido and to promote Aikido. Today, Aikido has become established in 140 countries around the world.



Aikido is a modern Martial Art created by the Founder, Morihei Ueshiba. After the Founder's passing, his son Kisshomaru Ueshiba was inaugurated as Aikido Doshu. At present, Moriteru Ueshiba has succeeded his father as Aikido Doshu.  Under the direction of Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba, instructors carry on the spirit of Aikido which continues to grow throughout the world.

Aikido Hombu Dojo was built in 1931. Under Doshu, a great number of Shihan and Shidoin unite in their efforts to commit to the development and enhancement of practice as the center of Aikido.


Go Shin Kai was awarded Full Recognition by Aikikai Foundation on 1 September 2021.

British Aikido Board

The British Aikido Board (BAB) is the only National Governing Body for Aikido in the United Kingdom.

The BAB is recognised by Sport England, a process that determines which National Governing Bodies (NGBs) are responsible for governing the sporting activities the Sports Councils are willing to consider supporting and working with. It acknowledges the status of NGBs as private organisations that govern particular sports through the common consent of the sport itself.

The BAB provides support to the majority of Aikido Associations, clubs, coaches and members across Great Britain. It does not award Aikido grades, which is the responsibility of the clubs and associations. It does however administer and award legally-recognised coaching certificates.


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